Table of Contents
List of safe methods of buying and selling online
List of safe methods of buying and selling online on the Internet. A trusted advisor will help you deal with accounts, property, digital assets. Do you want to know more ?
Remote Buying / Investing
For gamers
There are many stores on the Internet where you can find different types of game accounts such as Roblox, WoT (World of Tanks), CS (Counter Strike) and others. But at this time, many scammers have appeared. Do you want to know the list of reliable sellers among the stores? All you need is to order a personal consultation on this topic. Just use any of these pages to chat with us :
Financial and Business
Ready to go domains and sites
- For example, realtors and real estate agents can find Top-10 of site names in some places. Simply follow these links :
Use to buy domains for real estate sale
Download premium domain`s list for sale in 2024 2025
In Dubai
The most pure gold and finest coins and jewellery you can buy not only in Dubai. There a some countries, where it can be cheaper, even with the cost of delivery.
In Russia
When you like jewellery or want to invest money in gold bars and coins feel free to contact us for making offers for this deal.
It can be delivered to your country via airplane by private courier for additional fee, of course.
If your favourite search queries are looks like "Buy Bitcoin" or "Ethereum ETH rate price" I am sure you want to Invest money to cryptocurrency! Do you? What now? You need to find out the best coins with potential of fast growing to high value. But if you are not a taro expert of such predictions I recommend to get opinion about that from the Trusted Broker here >> Click<< and >>right there<<.
Real Estate
To get access for making investments in such type of property you need some knowledge.
For example, in Dubai, UAE there are some special districts, where foreigners can officially buy apartments, villas, townhouses, cottages. For more information you can ask us or see these places in the FAQ.
Also, in Russia you need to know the best cities for investments. Luxury penthouse, house, land in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi or in the nearest area can be sold out not by everyone. >To get useful information about this, just contact us. I will give you recommendations and price offers.
Remote Selling
Property and Digital Assets
At the turn of 2024-2025, the growth of remote transactions with real estate and virtual assets such as NFTs is becoming a trend. For example, many people from Kazakhstan and Russia have magnificent luxury penthouses and villas in Dubai, UAE, Bali, Thailand. Many of these properties are investments. But in order to quickly and profitably sell these assets, you need to know who the new buyer might be. These issues are handled by special services - investment brokers and trusted persons together with sales agents. I`m sure, that if you are looking for fast deal I can offer you the best methods to find the investor for this. Do you want to know more about it ? Simply contact BrokerRealtor via Telegram or click on this >> linkto get private consultation.
Exchange money/currency
90% of Payments and purchases in 2024 and 2025 are made with electronic money. But different currencies, rates, payment systems create problems with fast settlements. The solution to this problem is digital and fiat currency exchange offices. In this case, 1 party (seller) creates an invoice for payment in national currency, for example Dirham (AED). 2 party can pay with cryptocurrencies of their choice: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Worldcoin, Ripple, Lightcoin. Here the exchanger uses its bank accounts to issue managerial checks, transfer funds from card to card. Cash delivery in your city is possible upon request.
The same situation with other trading situations: when 1 buyer wants to transfer money to the seller for goods in another country or city. In this case, you can use cryptocurrency wallets. To prepare profitable solutions for your transaction or replenish the wallet balance, contact us with requests.
You should also know that popular exchange rate aggregators such also known as Bestchange and its mirror in Russia have high financial risks.
Firstly, they cooperate with scamers to sell info (DB) about users. Therefore, it will not be possible to remain anonymous and not pay taxes there, because all connections between site and exchange service are under control. So your click on interesting offer will be logged. Allorders are recorded.
Secondly, they do not bear any responsibility for the actions of exchangers because its only informational service. Nomorenoless. They may not fulfill their obligations under the pretext of additional checks, requesting user documents, freezing funds for AML/KYC (its not true, of course. But you can`t do anything with this). At the same time, they themselves will not provide you with real documents on legal registration.
You will simply lose money and time. Be careful to deal with such services.
Book a personal consultation online
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If your hobbies and interests include shopping, investing, yachting, cryptocurrency, gaming, gambling, golf, you can simply create tasks for this. I will find buyers and sellers for you not only in Dubai, UAE but also around the world. Do you need this?